Für Bewegungsfreiheit und Bleiberecht!

Zagreb, June 18th 2019

The Push-back Map

A Tool to Collectively Fight the Repressive Border & Control Regime


Currently we are witnessing an increase in institutional violence across
Europe. At the EU’s borders expulsions, direct deportations,
readmissions and other forms of forced returns across borders are
happening on a daily basis. These violent practices are called
push-backs. They are a systematic institutionalised technique used to
suppress movement across borders. With our newly developed online tool
The Push-back Map, www.pushbackmap.org, we aim to map, document,
visualise and denounce these practices.

“We were walking in the forest before we reached the bus station […] I
saw a police patrol, they were searching the area and [we] turned around
from the police and went down into the forest. […] They never gave us
the chance to ask for [asylum]… the officers started to beat [me] and
kick with their shoes.”

(Account of a push back from Croatia to Bosnia by an Iraqi minor,
January 21, 2019:

The Push-back Map is a collective space of resistance against the EU
border control regime. It aims to visualise the struggles of crossing,
challenging and fighting state sovereignty. Mapping push-backs means
therefore also mapping resistance, mapping the never ending movements
across and against borders! This map intends to document this continuous
struggle collectively and wants to give people a tool to report
experienced or witnessed push-backs keeping the struggle up!

The map was developed by a collective of activists in the South East of
Europe, where push-backs are rampant. However, it does not have any
geographical limitations, because push-backs are a global phenomenon and
must be fought transnationally. We hope to provide a platform to aid
this grassroots political organising across borders.

The Push-back Map begins documenting with the closure of the Balkan
Corridor in March 2016. Although push-backs have been a normalised
practices before, we believe this date symbolises the re-enforcement of
this brutal practice.

We are tired of talking about dehumanised, depoliticised victims who,
supposedly, cannot speak for themselves, we want to talk with and to
people which do not have any other choice than challenging those
borders. We want to collect, expose and remember what happens everyday
at the European borders.

“I try again and if it doesn’t work again, I lost my country, I don’t

(young man from Syria after being pushed back from Bosnia to Montenegro.
May 9, 2019:

Contact us:
www.pushbackmap.org // info(at)pushbackmap.org // www.twitter.com/pushbackmap

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Mittwoch, 25.09.2024 um 19:00 Uhr
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Für Bewegungsfreiheit und Bleiberecht!